View from the cliff with a study of future urban development on the sides

Side view

House in Aygedzor str.
Private residence
Year: 2020
Area: 500m²
Stage: Preparing for approval
Location: Yerevan, Aygedzor
The plot of the house, being not deep, only 17m from the street line, is very steep, in some places up to 45 °. So providing enough living space and a green yard with a long pool on that narrow plot became an interesting challenge for us as architects.
This house has 1-storey on the street side and 3-storey from Hrazdan gorge. It does not close the view of residents of a 5-storey building, located on the opposite side of the street. We also had to solve the problem of visual isolation of house’s inner world, due to which all its windows face the gorge.
Another challenge was t minimize the vertical movement in the multi-story house, which we solved by grouping of the rooms on the floors according the duration of daily stay there.
Due to the terrain, the size of the open space was very limited, so the lowest floor was largely left open and the functions of the yard were extended under the body of the building. We widely used the balconies and made a large terrace to provide possibility of enjoying the views of the mountain Ararat and the gorge from various zones of the house.